One and only isolated floating muslim village in the middle of the sea and people travel by boats ONLY!!

This island is called "PANYEE" island or "KOH PANYEE" in THAI. This villages has been built for over 200 years ago by Indonesia Marine Leader. In that time they were looking for the perfect location for fishing. And the leader who is called "BA BOO" has founded this small location that attached to the BIG ROCK as you can see in the image above then he hoist the flag to let their people know that this location is good for fishing so they can join later. In the meantime, 200 years passed by more that 400 families are living in this village.

The walking route is floating concrete pedestrian above the water, to visit this island you have to get on long tail boat which can be departed from Phuket or Phang Nga. After arrival at this island, the tour guide will escort you through the walk path passing various local shops and restaurant. As this village is renown for fishing and oyster farming so the most souvenirs are nearly all pearls.

Another incredible site to visit is Mosque located closed to the Large Outcrop. Almost everyone on this islands is muslim and some of elderly people who originally from Indonesia can speak the languages. And the new generation can speak Thai as they have to relocated to the mainland when they already grown up.

Lastly, the most isolated school in Phang Nga province, this school provided education for small kids until their high school. Each grade probably have around 15 - 20 persons per grade. Super Small Class !!!.

Lastly, one of the most interesting spot is Floating Football Pitch, when children drop their football into the water, they just jump and that's is 2 sports in one time. LOL
Lastly, this island is great for exploring the real local life of people who live ion the middle of the sea, learn how they use fresh water, how they generate electricity for uses and how they do fishing locally.
This island is included in our 5in1 Program